References and further reading


Allport, G.W. (1937)  Personality: a psychological interpretation. New York.  Holt

Boyle, G.J. (2008) Personality theories and models: an overview. Humanities & Social Sciences papers. Paper 299.  Queensland, Bond University

Cain, S. (2012) Quiet. New York, Penguin

Cattell, R.B. (1973) Personality and mood by questionnaire. New York, Jossey Bass

Cherry, S. (2012) Between introvert and extrovert - ambivert [online][accessed 27/05/2015]
Available here: 

Eysenck, H.J. (1967)  The biological basis of personality. Springfield, Thomas

Geen, R.G. (1984) Preferred stimulation levels in introverts and extroverts: Effects on arousal and performance.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 46 (6) pp1303-12

Joddle, Jade (2015) Extroverts and introverts learning languages [online] [Accessed 26/05/2015]
Available here: 

Jung, C.G. (1921)  Psychological Types.  [online] [Accessed 16/05/2015]

Kagan, J. (1994) Galen’s prophecy: temperament in human nature. New York, Basic Books.

Kagan, J. (2010) Born worried: Is anxiety all in the genes? [online] London.  Independent newspaper Monday 24/05/2010 [Accessed 16/05/2015]

Kezwer, P (1987) The extroverted vs the introverted personality and second language learning. TESL Canada Journal 5 (1) pp 45-58

Kiany, G.R. (1998) English proficiency and academic achievement in relation to extraversion: a preliminary study. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 8 (1) pp113-129

Lewis, M (2002) Implementing the lexical approach.  Boston,  Thomson Heinle.

Liyanage, I. and Bartlett, B (2013) Personality types and language learning strategies: Chemeleons changing colours System 41 (2013) pp598-608

Merriam-Webster dictionary [online][accessed 27.05.2015]
Available here:

Sharp, A (2008) Personality and Second Language Learning.  Asian Social Science, 4 (11) pp 17-25

Vernon, M. (2011) Carl Jung, Part 5: Psychological Types. [online] London.  Guardian newspaper Monday 27/06/2011  [Accessed: 16/05/2015]

Zelazo, P.D. (2013) The Oxford Handbook of Developmental Psychology Vol 2: Self and Other. Oxford, OUP.


Ambiverts image from:

How to care for introverts from:

Image of Woking College from:

Introvert/extravert cartoon from:

Person thinking image from

All other images, audio recordings and videos are property of the authors and must not be used without permission.



Other useful resources 

These are a few of the other resources relating to personality and learning which we found whilst researching this project:

An article by Robyn Shulman on "Understanding, embracing and celebrating the introverted student"

An article by Jacquie MacGregor on "Quiet in the classroom: the power of introverts in learning"

An article by Tatyana Pavlova on "Extroverts vs introverts.  Who are theyHow to appeal to different personality types" 

An article by Laura Tropp on "Introverts in an extraverted world." 

A blog post by "Amelia":  "Dear introverts (an honest letter from an extrovert)"

A summary of a web chat hosted by Genevieve White discussing "Strategies for reaching out to introverted students in the ESOL classroom" 

The English Student blog - introvert or extravert? 

A site by "Hannah" a student at Duke University in the US on "Teaching: an extroverted profession?" 

This video by Jade Joddle is a very helpful introduction to the role of personality in second language learning - it gives some good strategies for different personality types.